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Career Advice

Overcoming Interview Anxiety: Tips and Techniques for Neurodiverse Job Seekers

For many neurodiverse individuals, job interviews can be particularly challenging. Whether it’s the social interaction, the pressure to perform, or the unpredictability of questions, these factors can intensify feelings of anxiety. However, it’s important to remember that interview nerves are common and manageable. This blog post will provide you with effective tips and techniques to help you conquer interview anxiety

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Navigating the Job Market: A Comprehensive Guide for Neurodiverse Individuals in the UK

Neurodiversity is an integral part of our society, contributing to the rich tapestry of human experience and innovation. Within this vast spectrum of neurodiversity, individuals with unique neural configurations, such as those with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and others, exhibit a wide array of skills, perspectives, and talents. These individuals, who are an often-underutilised resource, have the potential to add immense

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